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About Us

Committed to Excellence, Progression, Customized Friendships, and Community

To begin any introduction there must first be acknowledgements of where we live, thrive, and work. Ghost Bull Consultancy thrives on Treaty One Territory which are the homelands kept and nurtured by the Ininew, Dakota Oyate, and Anishinaabe Nations and Peoples. We acknowledge and are grateful to the Inuit peoples and relatives for caring for much of the northern lands , and acknowledge that we are also operating on the homeland of the Red River Metis Nation.


We also have to not only acknowledge our relations of the land, but the land itself. The water that gives life in the area we live and work in comes from Shoal Lake #40, who after decades of being under a boil water advisory recently lifted this for the community that provides us with life. We also acknowledge that the electricity you are using to reading this acknowledgement comes from a number of Treaty Territories in Manitoba and beyond. This organization could not be more proud to be thriving where we are today because of the work, balance, and way of being of our relations of these lands. 


Stemming from a love of helping and advising a large number of community partners, we decided that stepping into this line of work was not only needed but something we truly hunger for. Making a difference in the non-profit sector, government, and public service changes lives in ways sometimes we don’t see. Systems, services, and our sectors drastically change lives and many times the leadership and administration portion of our work makes some of the largest changes and impacts. That’s why this consultancy was born, and that’s how we help the change makers of the public and private sector explore ways to further balance their operations.


The Team:

Kendell Joiner (Méstaéhotóá'e)- Ghost Bull

Kendell Joiner (Méstaéhotóá'e) is an American-born, proud member of the Northern Cheyenne Nation located in Southeast Montana. Having grown up around his tribe and culture, the values of community, unity, and the common-good are centrepiece lessons that he carries in his current role as the Chief Executive Pathfinder of the Native Clan Organization. The Native Clan Organization is an Indigenous organization that takes a culturally centered approach of healing with our relatives returning back to their communities or starting new lives after contact with the justice system. Kendell holds multiple undergraduate degrees in Criminal Justice, Corrections, and possesses a Master of Public Administration education that he utilizes to change systems and make our world a more balanced and empathetic one. Kendell serves on a number of boards, advisory councils, and community groups such as:

Board Member of Ndinawemaaganag Endaawaad Inc. (Ndinawe),  a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping at-risk youth in Winnipeg. Since 1993, our integrated services have been connecting vulnerable children and youth aged 11–24 with the shelter, culture, recreation, education, outreach and support they need for safe and healthy lives. Open every day of the year, Ndinawe is an immediate and reliable place of safety, connection and support for youth during times of high risk when other resources are unavailable to them. All our initiatives recognize that youth are most vulnerable when they have no safe place to turn for help.


Board Member of Marymound Inc provides a number of programs and services for vulnerable youth including crisis stabilization, assessment and treatment programs, group homes, treatment foster care, clinical services and cultural healing services based on a Two-Eyed Seeing approach that focuses on cultural renewal, land-based healing and Western therapeutic interventions, youth addiction services, sexual abuse treatment, youth education services including an independent therapeutic school and off campus school for older youth, an education bursary fund for current and past clients of Marymound, independent living programs, young parents programming, maternal health and early childhood supports, youth employment readiness, cultural programming and training.


Volunteer Advisory Groups/ Councils:

The Salvation Army Center of Hope- Community Council Member

Siloam Mission- Indigenous Advisory Circle Member

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce- CODE (Commitment to Opportunity, Diversity, and Equity) Co-Chair

The Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce- Reconciliation Advisory Council Member 

The Access to Justice Steering Committee 



Out of Defeat and Exile They Lead Us Back to Montana and Won Our Cheyenne Homeland That We Will Keep Forever- Little Wolf and Morning Star

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